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The oil/solvent mixture leaving the solvent extractor is commonly referred to in the industry as “miscella”. The miscella leaving the solvent extractor contains 70-80% solvent by weight. The purpose of distillation is to thermally separate the miscella into a liquid oil fraction and solvent vapour fraction. The energy efficiency of distillation is maximized through optimum use of the available heat in the discharge vapour stream from the Desolventiser Toaster, available heat from the condensate flash tank, and heat recovery within distillation itself. Desmet optimizes the sizing and design of the distillation equipment with its state-of-the-art OptiSim™ software tools to achieve optimum efficiency.


Uniform Miscella Flow to Save Steam
  • Ample sized Miscella Tank to act as a buffer after Extractor to insure smooth flow through distillation and therefore minimize Second Stage Evaporator steam
Maximum Heat Recovery to Save Steam
  • 30% larger surface area First Stage Evaporator to enable maximum heat recovery of DT exhaust vapours to minimize Second Stage Evaporator steam
  • Use of recovered flash steam in Second Stage Evaporator to minimize fresh steam
  • Oil Dryer Steam Ejector exhaust recovered in Oil Stripper
  • Miscella/Oil Heat Exchanger to recover heat from hot oil to minimize Second StageEvaporator steam
Ideal Oil Stripping Efficiency
  • 75% lower residual solvent in oil due to maximized steam/oil contact in the improved sieve-tray type Oil Stripper versus conventional disc/donut designs
  • 15°C lower miscella temperature required which saves Second Stage Evaporator steam and reduces degradation of the crude oil prior to oil refining
Maximum Uptime
  • 3-pass Second Stage Evaporator design enables fast miscella tube velocity and minimizes tube fouling and cleaning frequency