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Desmet is a world leader in separation of oils & fats from oilseeds, nuts and animal offal. This separation can take place by mechanical pressure in a screw press, by solvent extraction, or by a combination of screw press plus solvent extraction. In all cases, the key to the separation process is proper mechanical and thermal preparation of the material prior to separation of the oils & fats. Desmet masters all technologies of preparation, screw pressing and solvent extraction to bring full solutions to industry.

A growing business trend is to return to pure screw press separation of oils & fats, often referred to as “full pressing”. Desmet bases its full pressing technology on the world renown “Rosedowns” brand of screw presses. Rosedowns, founded in 1777 in Hull, England, has long been a leader in designing and manufacturing world-class screw presses, and being a trusted supplier of the replacement parts needed to maintain yields year-around.


Market drivers determine which type of full pressing process to select. Desmet offers the full array of process possibilities:

The global Desmet process design and project execution structure working hand in hand with the Rosedown excellence in screw pressing provides a global full pressing solution with strong local support.

Please reach out to your local Desmet office today to discuss your market opportunities and the full pressing solutions Desmet has to offer.